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by Jim Henry

Scripture: PSALMS 48:1-4
This content is part of a series.

GOD HAS SOMETHING TO SAY (Can I Know the Will of God?)
(1 of 8)
The Will of God
Rev. Jim Henry
Psalm 48:1-4
Sunday 8/19/01, 9:15 A.M. Service

Let me ask you a question: How many of you in the
last five years have faced what you considered to be a
major decision concerning your work, concerning your
family, concerning a job decision, concerning a health
decision, concerning a school decision; how many of
you in the last five years have faced what you
consider a major decision? Hold up your hand. O.K.
let's bring it a little close. How many of you in the
past one year have faced some kind of major decision
about which you had to know or wanted to know God's
will? Hold up your hand. How many of you, right now,
are looking at something where you're wanting to know,
the best you can, the will of God for a decision in
your life? Hold up your hand. Wow!

Well, this series should be very helpful to us,
because you know it's interesting that of all things
Christians want to know most, is "How can I know the
will of God?" Facing decisions in my own life, my
family and friends, how can I know the will of God?
How can I discern God's voice? How can I know His

An interesting thing: sixty-eight percent of all
adult Americans, including fifty-seven percent of that
sixty-eight percent who are non-believers would like
to know what God has to say about decisions that need
to be made. Of that sixty eight percent of all adults
who would like direction in their choices, eighty-
three percent of born-again Christians would like to
know God's will about decisions they face.

So, for the next few weeks we're going to begin a
journey. It's a journey of mystery and marvel because
I will have to be one of the first to say to you that
I do not fully comprehend God's will at all times. I,
too seek to know God's will. Sometimes it's very
clear; sometimes it seems to be dark; so what I am
going ...

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