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by Joey Rodgers

Scripture: Matthew 18:15, Matthew 18:17-35
This content is part of a series.

The Unmerciful Servant (7 of 7)
Series: The Red Letters
Joey Rodgers
Matthew 18:15-35

Have you heard of the man who was bitten by a rabid dog? It occurred before modern medicine - so when he arrived at the hospital all the doctors could do was make him comfortable b/c his condition was incurable. The doctor told the man, ''If I were in your shoes, I'd get my affairs in order.'' Of course, the man sank back in shock, but after a few minutes, rallied enough to ask for pen and paper. Then w/ a burst of energy, he began to write furiously. A few hours later, when the doctor checked back in on the man, he found him still writing. He said, ''I'm glad to see your working on your last will and testament.'' The man replied, ''This isn't my will! This is a list of everyone I'm going to bite before I die!''

Sadly, too many people live and die w/ such a list - a list of people they believe have it coming to them. A list of people they'd like to see get what they deserve b/c of the way they think they've been mistreated, wronged, and hurt by them.

Unforgiveness is a vicious companion - no one is exempt from her talons. In some cases, the offended have turned to devastating means to seek to right a perceived wrong against their alleged perpetrators - and sadly, in the process, have inflicted great harm on the many innocent people who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when their revenge was exacted.

Still, more often than not, the greatest harm of unforgiveness occurs on a much smaller scale - like in destroying a marriage, dividing a family, splitting a church, or ruining a friendship. The primary culprits in these devastating results are always an unrepentant heart and an unforgiving spirit.

Today, as we conclude our Red Letters series, we're going to consider the topic of forgiveness. In Matthew 18 we find a discourse on forgiveness. Inside this discourse is a narrative on the APPROACH we must take to forgive and a parable concernin ...

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