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by Jim Henry

Scripture: DEUTERONOMY 4:9-11, II TIMOTHY 1:5
This content is part of a series.

(Building Spiritual Legacy For Children and
The Way Home Series, Part 12 of 16
Deuteronomy 4:9-11; 2 Timothy 1:5
Rev. Jim Henry, Pastor
First Baptist Church, Orlando

Sunday, 04/02/00, 9:15 A.M. Service

Just imagine you come to a funeral service, take
your place, and sit down to watch the proceedings. In
a few moments you see friends go forward and they look
down at the remains of someone they have known and
loved as a friend. In a few moments everyone is asked
to stand and the family comes in. You look and it is
your family! Then you go and look in the casket and it
is you! Your wife sits down with your children and
grandchildren. Then the pastor says some nice remarks
about you, but he doesn't know you quite like your
wife and family do. Then they stand up and begin to
talk about you and the legacy you left. As you sit
there you realize that what they're saying and what
they are remembering are their memories about who you
are and what you left them.

Everybody leaves a legacy. Estate planning; real
estate is more than planning; it is more than leaving
something for your children and grandchildren
financially. It's more than stocks and bonds and
international property; it's more than money in the
safe. It's more than all these things. The greatest
legacy that you leave is the legacy of your spirit.
Whether it's a dad or mom or great mom or granddad,
everyone of us leaves a legacy. The Bible tells us it
is not wrong to leave a physical legacy, a financial
legacy for children; in fact in Proverbs 13:22 it says
a good man leaves an inheritance for his children and
his children's children. Of course, you have to be
careful about what you leave because sometimes your
children and your children's children may not
appreciate what you've left them. I read just the
other day that most of those who receive an
inheritance spend it within 90 days of receiving it.

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