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by Jim Henry

Scripture: EPHESIANS 5, I PETER 3
This content is part of a series.

(The Husband's Responsibilities)
The Way Home Series, Part 3 of 16
Ephesians 5 & 1 Peter 3
Rev. Jim Henry, Pastor
First Baptist Church, Orlando

Sunday, 01/23/00, 9:15 A.M. Service

Please pray with me. Father, thank You for the
beauty of committed love and help us as men to
understand what You expect in taking care of the one
You have given us as a life mate. In these minutes,
Lord, let the words of my mouth and the meditations of
my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my
strength and redeemer, and may the vows we have made
or will make keep us faithful to You and the one You
give us. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

What does it cost to get married? On ABC
television this week I heard a special about marriage
being a big business, $40 billion this year. It does
cost a lot and we've found out that it costs a lot in
a lot of different ways. Our culture though has been
re-defining what it costs to be married, what it costs
for a man to be the spiritual leader in the home.
Recently the Oklahoma State House repealed the law
which had appointed husbands as head of household.
Then, on the other side, there's the man who thinks
that his wife should obey his every whim without

These two re-defining senses in our culture,
particularly for the man, are difficult. They're
difficult because nowadays he doesn't know exactly
where he is to stand in this particular relationship
because of the culture re-defining marriage and the
man's responsibility of taking care of what God has
given him. What does it cost to get married? It
costs a lot. With the possible exception that the
announcement comes that this country is now at war,
the most sobering words a man will ever hear are, "I
now pronounce you husband and wife." So what does it
cost to take care of the one you love?

God's Word has given us what our culture may not
define, but what God ...

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