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by Jordan Easley

Scripture: Luke 2
This content is part of a series.

We Can Live with Great Anticipation (3 of 4)
Series: Because of Christmas
Jordan Easley
Luke 2

It's officially the Christmas season... and I don't know about you, but it feels like I've been waiting for Christmas all year long! When something is exciting, like Christmas, you look forward to it... Don't you? You WAIT for it.

Here's the problem with that... I personally hate to wait... I'm not the most patient person in the world (can anybody else say AMEN to that?) I have a hard time with waiting... but the truth is, Christmas tends to be a season of waiting.

WE WAIT in traffic this time of year... [I feel like we should make T-shirts that say... ''I SURVIVED PAUL HUFF!] There are extra-long lines at supermarkets and stores... We wait for packages to arrive... for school and work to be over... for our extended families to show up... for our extended families to leave and go home...

We even promote waiting when it's time to open gifts. If you have kids at home, you've probably already heard the question... ''Can we please just open one present?'' And some may say, ''Yes.'' But most of us say, ''No, you have to wait until Christmas!''

And even when it comes time to open gifts we make our kids wait their turn. Don't we? In our family, we sit in a circle, we start with the youngest and they open a gift while everyone else watches.

But what I've noticed throughout the years is... even when it's not their turn, they're already tearing the paper on the corner of their next package... they're already peeking and guessing what that gift is going to be. Why? Because We HATE to WAIT!

But... waiting is a part of Christmas. Tis the season to be waiting!

That describes the scene on planet earth a little over 2,000 years ago. The children of Israel had been told that a baby was coming to change the world, and that good news left them WAITING for his arrival.

The prophet Isaiah talked about the birth of Christ, 700 years before Jesus was born. Can ...

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