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by Jordan Easley

Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12
This content is part of a series.

We Can Move Forward in Faith (4 of 4)
Series: Because of Christmas
Jordan Easley
Matthew 2:1-12

This morning, I want to begin by asking you a very simple question:
Do you truly BELIEVE in the Christ of Christmas?
Are you willing to follow Him, no matter what?

If you're going to call yourself a follower of Christ or a Christian or a BELIEVER... I just think it's important that we believe in the story of Christmas and remember what this celebration is all about.

But the truth is... sometimes it's hard to know what to believe because the FOCUS of Christmas or even the STORY of Christmas can get a little bit confusing if you're not careful.

I heard about a 9 year-old girl that heard the Christmas story in Sunday School. She was having a hard time remembering all the facts from the story ... so when her parents picked her up, they got in the car and asked what she had learned that day. She said, ''Well, we talked about the Christmas story, but there's one thing I just can't remember.''

Her mom said, ''What's that honey? I'll try to help you.'' She said, ''Well... I'm trying to remember which VIRGIN was the mother of Jesus? ...I KNOW that it was either the VIRGIN Mary ...or it was the New King James Virgin?''

Sometimes we HEAR things or even SEE things that cause us to believe a certain way. For instance, many of us probably have a nativity scene set up right now at our house, and we look at that nativity scene year after year...

It has baby Jesus in a manger, Mary and Joseph are standing behind the baby. They've got a star on top of their house... they're surrounded by donkeys and sheep and there are 3 kings bearing gifts... Right?

Was that really what it looked like? I heard about an Elementary School in East Texas that was having an art contest at Christmas time. One of the boys had drawn a great picture of a nativity but had put his own twist on it. There were 3 men that were presenting gifts to baby Jesus, but they were dressed as ...

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