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by Jordan Easley

Scripture: James 1:1-5
This content is part of a series.

Facing Trials (1 of 12)
Series: James: Faith Works
Jordan Easley
James 1:1-5

This morning we're kicking off a brand new series where we are going to walk through one of my favorite books in the entire Bible. The book of James. I'm calling this series, ''Faith Works'' because that's what this book is going to emphasize. It's one of the most practical and relevant books in the New Testament and it's a book that was written by Jesus' little brother.

I feel sorry for James. Think about how tough that day was when his mom came into the room and said, ''James, your father and I have something we need to tell you... Your brother is God. God in the flesh. He's the one that's going to save mankind. And by the way, you forgot to take out the trash last night and if you don't get your algebra grade up, you're grounded.''

Imagine what that was like... living with GOD as your half-brother. He never lied, cheated, stole, talked back, disobeyed... He never sinned! And James had a front row seat to THAT his entire life. He was with Jesus way before the disciples were there... way before his critics were there.

James was watching Jesus before anyone else. He watched him grow up. He watched him resist temptation. He watched him walk through difficult trials in his life. He watched him closely and he learned.

However, I find it interesting that James wasn't a follower of Jesus initially. He didn't follow Christ while Jesus was here on earth. [John 7:5] tells us, ''For not even his brothers believed in him.'' That's talking about James.

It wasn't until after Jesus rose again that James believed.

He eventually became an apostle through the ministry of Paul and after the resurrection of Jesus he became a leader in the church at Jerusalem. James later became, what Paul called, one of the 'pillars of the church' in [Galatians 2:9].

So now as we prepare to dive into this book, let me explain where we're at...
James is one of the chief leaders and Pastors ...

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