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by Jordan Easley

Scripture: James 1:12-18
This content is part of a series.

Facing Temptation (2 of 12)
Series: James: Faith Works
Jordan Easley
James 1:12-18

This morning, we're continuing our study of the book of James in a series we're calling, ''Faith Works.'' Last week, we saw what Pastor James had to say about Facing Trials in life.

James tells us we WILL experience various trials, and guess what? He's right. Some of you ware walking through a trial today, and it's tough, but James shows us that it's possible for us to navigate these difficult trials... and do so in a way where they will ultimately lead us to joy.

This morning, James is going to take us in a different direction. Remember... He's writing to early believers that are scattering all over the place and being persecuted because of their faith. He's writing to encourage them, but I believe he's also writing to warn them. And as he writes to them, I believe he's writing to us.

He's showing us that Satan is active and he's against us. He's working to derail us and he uses certain tactics to take us down. Last week, he talked about the tactic of TRIALS... but this morning, we see him warn these believers in regard to TEMPTATION.

I heard a story about a man and a woman that were on a business trip together and they were travelling together on a trans- continental train overnight. They were both married and had families at home.

The trip got a little awkward because the train was full and there was a mistake or a glitch, and they put this man together with this woman in a sleeping car together. And they said, ''What are we going to do? This is not right. We can't do this.'' And so they discussed, and they said, ''Well, it's just for one night. It's really not that big of a deal.'' Inside the cab there were bunk beds, and so the man took the top bunk and the woman took the bottom bunk.

They turned out the light and they were ready to go to sleep... but after about 10 minutes the man leaned down toward the woman and he said, ''Hey! I'm kind of cold. Wo ...

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