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by Jordan Easley

Scripture: James 3:1-12
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Taming the Tongue (6 of 12)
Series: James: Faith Works
Jordan Easley
James 3:1-12

In just a moment, I'm going to count to 3... and when I say three I want you to stick out your tongue and leave it out for a second. Will you do that? Some of you have been coming to First Cleveland a long time and you've always wanted to stick your tongue out at church... here's your chance. Ready? 1... 2... 3.

As we continue on this journey through the book of James, that's where we're going to land today. Chapter 3, beginning in verse 1... and James is talking about the tongue.

Let me try to set the stage and explain why I believe James is talking about our tongues here.

Remember-James, is the Pastor at a church in Jerusalem. At this point in history, people are being converted to Christianity and congregations are popping up all over the Roman empire. Christians are being persecuted and they're scattering all over the nation.

Converted believers are returning from their pilgrimage back to Jerusalem for Pentecost, where they were ambushed by grace and 3,000 people were saved, and filled with the Spirit and baptized.

Many of these people are now returning back to their hometowns and trying to recreate what they had experienced with God back in Jerusalem.

Apostles and Prophets were sent out to help these people establish their churches and Pastor James was sort of serving as the Senior Pastor of this fast-growing Multi-site Church.

The Lord led him to write a letter to these churches... these new congregations... and his purpose was to encourage them, but also to warn them and equip them to be maximized in their communities of faith.

So James wasn't writing this letter to 'his church'-He was writing this letter to 'THE Church,'' the ''Universal Church.''

And this morning, we're going to see him write these believers (write US) and tell us that the greatest threat you will face in your life, your church, your family and in your relationships... ...

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