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by Jordan Easley

Scripture: James 5:1-3
This content is part of a series.

Leveraging Your Blessings (8 of 12)
Series: James: Faith Works
Jordan Easley
James 5:1-3

I was flipping through old photos this week and stumbled upon our first family ski trip. We signed our kids up for ski school on that first day and they hated everything about it. They said they didn't learn anything, but once we got them out on the slopes they were using terms I didn't recognize, like... PIZZA and FRENCH FRIES. When I realized they weren't talking about food, I asked them what the terms meant and they explained it to me.
[ ] = French fries /\ = Pizza

In my mind, our kids were now educated and prepared to ski, after one day in school, so I took them up the lift to the top of the mountain. I probably should have checked the map before I did that, because once we got up there I realized that the only ways down were blue trails and black diamond trails.

We decided to take a BLUE... and we were going to take it slow. At first, I was really impressed. My daughter was carving the mountain... left and right, nice and slow... but then I looked at my son... and he was French Fried all the way. His skis were pointed down the mountain and he was flying from the very first second he got off the lift.

As I watched him, I was surprised... He wasn't panicked. He wasn't screaming or freaking out. He didn't appear to be out of control... He actually looked like he knew what he was doing.... but I knew that he didn't.

I knew that he wasn't fully prepared to do that yet... and so I chased him. As I got closer, I realized that there was a huge, 90 degree turn coming up and if he didn't make the turn, he would head directly into the woods into hundreds of trees.

After seeing it himself, my son glanced over at me with a look of panic, as to say, ''I can't stop. I'm in trouble.'' And in that moment, my Super-Dad skills kicked in and I raced toward him as fast as I could.

Once I was close enough, I lunged toward my son, and tackled him on the side of that ...

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