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by Jordan Easley

Scripture: James 5:19-20
This content is part of a series.

Pray for the Stray (12 of 12)
Series: James: Faith Works
Jordan Easley
James 5:19-20

We're down to the final two verses in the book of James... and we see him conclude this letter to the church... by reminding them what their job is. James tells the church... it's your job to win the lost. But it's also you job to restore the saved.

19 My brothers and sisters, if any among you strays from the truth, and someone turns him back, 20 let that person know that whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death and cover a multitude of sins.

So what are we supposed to do when one of our brothers or sisters 'wanders' or strays from the faith? Let them go? Turn our back on them? Distance ourselves? Talk bad about them?

That's not what God tells us to do. That word 'strays means 'to wander.' And something I found interesting about that word was that the tense of the word indicates that 'wandering' isn't something that happens all the time. Rather, it's something that happens rarely or occasionally.

It's also in the Passive Voice, which tells us that when a person strays... it's because they've been led astray. Maybe they wandered because of a person... or a passion... or a priority... James said in chapter one that we are ''dragged away and enticed by our own evil desire.''

The Devil's goal is to redirect you away from the Truth... and he uses our desires.... He uses our sin nature to move us away from the truth. What is the truth? Jesus. He said in John 14:6, ''I am the way and the truth and the life.'' The Devil wants to redirect you away from Jesus.

But you want to know the good news? God doesn't give up on his kids when they wander. 1 Peter 2:25 says, ''25 For you were like sheep going astray, but you have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.''

That shows us that... even when we find ourselves far from God... He's a Father that continually pursues us and longs to be reconciled to us.

You sa ...

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