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by Joey Rodgers

Scripture: Deuteronomy 8, Ephesians1:16-17
This content is part of a series.

Why God Speaks (3 of 6)
Series: Hearing God
Joey Rodgers
Various Text

For a few of weeks we've been talking about what I believe is the most critical element of the Christian life - hearing God. I think it is safe to say that it is impossible to live a disciple life independent of the ability to distinguish and respond to the voice of God in your life. Why?

The life of a Christian is a life of followship. God leads and we follow. Our initiative isn't to pursue a way that seems right to ourselves - but to trust God w/ all of our hearts, leaning not on our own understanding, but in all of our ways aligning, listening, and following Him - so that He can direct our steps in a manner that allows us to participate in His Divine redemptive plan for His creation.

At the core of our followship of God is a clear decision we each must make as to how we're going to pursue life:

1. I don't care what you think I'm doing life my way.
2. Here are my plans (what I'm doing) will you bless it.
3. What is your will - I will be obedient.

Let me break this decision down. I don't care what God thinks says - this is MY life and I will live for my goals, ambitions, and success w/ no other standard than what I determine is best for me. I will live as if God doesn't exist.

The 2nd option is to recognize God exists but then only recognize Him when it's convenient/necessary. This model, called practical atheism, is about a life that only wants God's input when it benefits us. This sort of life is pursued according to our own abilities, for our own ambitions - seldom seeking God's will for fear His will isn't our will.

Finally - there's the actual way of the Christ-follower that believes God's will and way is the only way. It is a life of surrender and seeking anticipating a life that'll please God b/c it abides in Christ and produces a spiritual fruitfulness that is authored by the H.S. living in you living through you.

To be fair, we're all born into this wo ...

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