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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Esther 6:1-14
This content is part of a series.

Sovereign Stirrings and Sleeplessness in Shushan (6 of 9)
Series: Esther
Donald Cantrell
Esther 6: 1 - 14

I - The Insignificant Details (1a)

II - The Important Documents (1b - 2)

III - The Inquisitive Debriefing (3)

IV - The Incidental Disruption (4 - 5)

V - The Insinuating Diagnosis (6 - 9)

VI - The Irritating Discovery (10 - 11)

VII - The Incriminating Deliberation (12 - 14)

This sermon contains a fully alliterated outline, with sub-points.

Theme: ''God achieves greatness through subtle nudges of providence''


I once read a story in a magazine of an atheist who loved nature and had gone on a hike on a nature trail. As he kept admiring the scenes around him, he lost track of the trail and when the time came for him to get back; he realized that he was hopelessly lost. So, for the first time in his life, he prayed to God.

He did come out alive eventually, and was relating the incident to some friends.

At the point when he mentioned about his prayer to God, one of the friends asked, 'Well, how did God answer your prayer'? The unbelieving man replied, ''Well, before God could answer the prayer, a guide came along and brought me to safety!''

Sadly, the man couldn't see God's hand in the answer! It was not the way he thought God should answer.

The Rest of the Story

Newscaster Paul Harvey tells a remarkable story of God's providential care over thousands of allied prisoners during World War II, many of whom were Christians. One of America's mighty bombers took off from the island of Guam headed for Kokura, Japan, with a deadly cargo.

Because clouds covered the target area, the sleek B-29 circled for nearly an hour until its fuel supply reached the danger point. The captain and his crew, frustrated because they were right over the primary target yet not able to fulfill their mission, finally decided they had better go for the secondary target.

Changing course, they f ...

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