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by Ernest Easley

Scripture: Genesis 1
This content is part of a series.

The Gender Gap (1 of 2)
Series: Gender Gaps
Ernest Easley
Genesis 1

Serving as the Teaching Pastor at First Baptist Church in Cleveland, TN. I lead our staff each month in what we call The Theological Power Luncheon. Each month I take a theological topic that's relevant to our culture, community and church and address it from God's word.

It's a way of developing and pouring into our staff and helping equip them for meeting the challenges and needs of our membership from our children's ministry to our senior adults.

I encourage our staff to select the topic, since I don't know all the issues they deal with within their ministries, that we can speak to. The recent topics have included: eternal security of the believer, the church, the role of the Holy Spirit, sanctification, justification and others. It's been great feeding into our staff each month.

But recently our Children's Minister approached me with a topic that really challenged me: the topic of Gender. I never dreamed in my over forty years of ministry that I'd live to hear a children's minister ask me to do a theological study on gender! But that's where our society is today. The issues in our communities soon become the issues in our churches.

Our church leaders will continue dealing with an increase of gender issues and we better start equipping them for the task.

Frankly, if we don't equip them, who will? I'll tell you who will: the world will! Hollywood will. The liberals will. The Gay community will. Lady Gaga will.

That's what God has called us the church to do! We're in the equipping business. The Bible tells us in Ephesians 4.11b-12 that pastors and teachers are to be, '' equipping (outfitting) the saints for the work of ministry, to build up the body of Christ ..''

Now you need to know that there are not many resources out there to help equip you in dealing with this growing issue. Out of the nearly 4000 books in my personal library, I found one that addresses the is ...

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