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by Ernest Easley

Scripture: Genesis 1
This content is part of a series.

The Gender Gap (2 of 2)
Series: Gender Gap
Ernest Easley
Genesis 1

We are thinking these days about The Gender Gap: that gap between what society says and what scripture says about gender. It is a gap that continues to widen which creates a growing challenge for bible-believing Christians. Our challenge is to help those struggling with their Gender identity by directing them to the God of Genders who created genders to begin with.

May I tell you what's really at the root of this Gender Gap? It's not really a what but a who. What the ol'e serpent began doing in God's Garden in the book of Genesis, he continues to do with one's Gender today: he is placing a question mark over the word of God!

If he can get us to question the first six chapters of Genesis, he can get us to question the rest of God's word. I mean, if you have trouble with the biblical account of creation then you're likely going to have trouble with the biblical account of the resurrection. And the Devil and his henchmen know it! But if you believe the biblical account of creation you won't have any trouble believing the biblical account of resurrection or any other miracle found recorded in the New Testament.

If he can get you to put a question mark over Genesis 1.1, ''In the beginning God created the heavens and earth,'' and the account following verse 1; then he can get you to put a question mark over John 1.1, ''In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God,'' and the account following verse 1!

If you put question marks where God puts periods, you will soon find yourself walking away from God's word. But if you put periods where God puts periods, you will find yourself standing on the word of God.

For example, do you believe Genesis 2.21-22, ''So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to come over the man and he slept. God took one of his ribs and closed the flesh at that place. Then the Lord God made the rib he had taken from the man into a woman ...

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