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by Patrick Edwards

Scripture: Exodus 20:1-3
This content is part of a series.

Know and Enjoy God (1 of 10)
Series: 10 Commandments
Patrick Edwards
Exodus 20:1-3


I think we all know the stereotype. You ask a random person off the streets about what the Bible is or even what Christianity is and you most likely get an answer related to all ''the rules''. Right? That's what the Bible is; a bunch of commandments and stipulations and ways that God tells people what they aren't allowed to do. And that only gives said person all the credence they need for dismissing Christianity as a whole. I mean who wants to subject their life to a system or religion that is intent on restricting them, on holding them back from anything that might possibly bring them happiness.

Of course, as we began to discover last week, the law of God isn't interested at all on restricting you or holding you back. The Law isn't about what you can't do or who you can't be. Rather, it is all about who you can be! You see, the Law is a critical component of God's self-revelation of Himself. The Law helps us understand the very character of God; who He is, what He is like, and what He is doing in the world. Thus, the Law not only enables us to peer more into the very Being of God, but it then shows us how we may be like Him and know Him and enjoy Him. In other words, the Law doesn't ''hold us back''; rather it shows us who we are truly meant to be.

Now, spoiler alert, the rest of the Bible shows us, however, the reality that we can never perfectly obey the Law or fulfill it. In other words, beyond just breaking the Law and incurring God's judgment, the real issue we face is that we can never be who God has made us to be because of sin; we cannot know Him and we cannot enjoy Him. This isn't just about ''going to heaven'' when you die; its whether or not you will know and enjoy the fullness and abundance of life for which God created you.

... Which, this, is the glorious ''good news'' of Jesus Christ. Jesus has come to fulfill the Law and to do so on ...

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