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by Patrick Edwards

Scripture: Exodus 20:4-6
This content is part of a series.

God's Image and Beauty (2 of 10)
Series: 10 Commandments
Patrick Edwards
Exodus 20:4-6


After over ten years marriage, I can safely say to you that I am everyday, still, 'learning' my wife. For example, the love languages. I naturally drift toward demonstrating love through acts of service. Right, as we all know I enjoy cleaning anyway, but I also see cleaning the house as a way of loving my wife; that's why I do laundry and the ironing. My thought is let me do this so you don't have to and, in turn, you know how much I love you. Teresa, for sure, appreciates it, but I've learned that it doesn't really 'register' with her as much as I would've thought it was.

Right? Like I'm the typical husband who folds the laundry and, thus, thinks that my wife will come home, see it done, and throw a massive parade in my honor. Obviously. She doesn't, though. Of course, in all seriousness, what I've learned over the years is that acts of service are appreciated by her, but are not her love language, if you will. Instead, she is a combination of words of affirmation and quality time. In other words, if I want to truly show her love it's important that I not just do so, but do so in the way I know she desires to receive it.

But this makes sense, right? If we love someone then we will seek to show that love in the way that they most receive it. And we don't do so begrudgingly. We know the one we love is worth it and, thus, we want to make sure that everything we do most fully honors them.

And the same reality is true of the God of creation!

You see one of the clearest realities of the Bible is that God not only demands our worship and devotion but He specifies how we are to worship Him. And, yet, despite the clarity with which God discusses His own worship this proves to be one of the parts of the Bible most Christians are glaringly ignorant of. In other words, how we worship God is not up to you or me, but is instead defined solely by Him. Whe ...

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