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by Patrick Edwards

Scripture: Exodus 20:7
This content is part of a series.

Everything in the Name of the Lord (3 of 10)
Series: 10 Commandments
Patrick Edwards
Exodus 20:7


In this clip from The Incredibles, Helen tells her children that their identities are the most valuable possession they have and, thus, are to be the thing they protect most. Right? They have these superpowers and with those a responsibility, but the powers are not what defines them. Superhero is not their identity, but rather it is their name, Jax and Violet, which signifies who they really are.

We this in many of the great superheroes of modern culture: Superman, Batman, Spiderman. They all wear masks so as to distinguish their heroic work from who they really are: Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Peter Parker. In other words, superhero may be what they do, but it's not who they are, and thus it is that identity, represented by their name, which they guard at all costs.

It's a different perspective than that of William Shakespeare. In Romeo and Juliet, Juliet asks,

''What's in a name? That which we call a rose?By any other name would smell as sweet,'' (Romeo and Juliet [II, ii, 1-2])

Her point is that a name is an artificial and meaningless convention. That Romeo is a Montague and she a Capulet is meaningless because their family names do not represent who they are and thus should not and cannot be that which keeps them separated. Of course, the remainder of the play proves Juliet wrong as a name isn't just a meaningless assembly of letters, but does, in fact, represent reality. One's name reflects one's character and identity.

And we've been seeing this reality on display throughout the book of Exodus. God reveals His name to Moses, to Israel, and through them to Egypt and the whole world so that He may be known by Israel and the whole world. We've seen how the name, Yahweh, distinguish God as Redeemer. In other words, He is not just Creator but He is rescuer. That is how Israel is to know Him and how all the nations are to know ...

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