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by Patrick Edwards

Scripture: Exodus 20:14
This content is part of a series.

Sanctified Sexuality (7 of 10)
Series: 10 Commandments
Patrick Edwards
Exodus 20:14


I don't think it's an overstatement to say that human sexuality is likely the most contentious and dominant topic of Western society today. No other issue triggers the kind of passionate and, often, heated debate (and attacks!) that sexuality does. It seems almost as if we have passed the point of no return of having civil discourse on the topic. In our cancel-culture to utter any view or position that does not fully embrace and promote all definitions of sexuality is destined to find you on sure end of a metaphorical firing squad.

Of course, while the digital age has for sure made discourse more explosive than before, questions concerning human sexuality are nothing new. The Bible tells us that the sinful use of the body is almost as old as creation itself. I mean just consider the first sin in Genesis 3; it involved the use of the body. My point is that while we will focus on the topic of sexuality this morning, the Bible shows us time and time again how humans have taken the good, divine gift of the body and used it for our sinful pleasures.

You see, as we have found with all the commands of the Decalogue, this seventh word given to Israel on Sinai is about far more than just not sleeping around on your spouse. No, as we saw at the very beginning of our little excursus weeks ago, the Law of God was about far more than just rules God expected His people to keep. Rather, the Law shows us how we are to reflect in our persons the character of God our Redeemer. And as we see this morning this includes how we use our bodies and, particularly, how we use the gift of sex.

We'll continue, therefore, to follow our outline of understanding what the Law teaches us about God, how it was to be observed, and then how as Christians we can continue to reflect Christ through it. The seventh commandment specifically shows us that Humanity sexuality can only be righ ...

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