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by Patrick Edwards

Scripture: Exodus 20:16
This content is part of a series.

Death, Life, and the Power of the Tongue (9 of 10)
Series: 10 Commandments
Patrick Edwards
Exodus 20:16


We're all familiar with the old adage, ''Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.'' We've been given this saying and we may have even given it to another. Whenever someone is critical or cruel we appeal to this saying seeking to convince ourselves that we will not allow the words of someone else to hurt us. Whether we're talking about a child being teased at school, or about a person being gossiped about at work or in the neighborhood, or about a leader being criticized by those under him we seek to convince ourselves that words do not matter, when in reality they matter tremendously.

I mean, come on, any person who has ever been in a romantic relationship knows how much words have power. Without exception every serious fight Teresa and I have ever had involved some sort of communication breakdown. I can remember one fight in our third year of marriage when we fought not about what the other person had actually said, but what we thought the other person meant by what they said. Words, and their absence, have power.

This is why, then, the Proverb 18:21 declares, ''Death and life are in the power of the tongue,'' (Proverb 18:21). Words have power. With them we can lift up others, encourage others, demonstrate love, support, affection, and admiration. Or we can tear another down, demean who they are and mock the image of God within them. We can harm and destroy relationships; we can create barriers to the Gospel and can damage the local church. You see, I bring all of this up because in my estimation the ninth commandment pertains to a whole lot more than just lying about another person. This word requires us to examine every word that comes out of our mouths and to view those words in light of the character and mission of God. As with every other commandment we've explored, we see this morning how our speech ...

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