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by Mike Stone

Scripture: Luke 1, Luke 2

The Three Wise Women
Mike Stone
Luke 1-2

Much has been said through the years about the so-called ''Three wise men.'' Most of you realize that we don't know there were 3. That has been assumed because of the 3 gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. We also know that the magi, or wise men, were not actually at the birth of Jesus. They arrived about two years later. And we don't know the names of the wise men. History has tended to name them Gaspar, Melchior, and Balthasar.

But in this message, I want to give a 3 point character study on three wise people who were actually part of the nativity of Jesus. We know their names but they were not men. In fact, they were the three wise women of Christmas.

We are introduced to them in the opening pages of Luke's gospel. Their names are Elizabeth, Mary, and Anna.

About two years ago, I heard a 3-minute devotional from Pastor Royce Hulett of Oakland Baptist Church in Hazlehurst. He is a tremendously gifted preacher. In that short Bible study he talked about these women and the great wisdom they revealed. That idea has stuck with me and I want to give my own sermon on this subject as we investigate the ''Three Wise Women.''

The first woman was Elizabeth. We meet her in Luke 1. She is what today we would call a ''preacher's wife.'' In fact she is the old wife of an old preacher, a priest named Zacharias.

Now the preacher had a wife but the he didn't have any kids. No namesake, no nursery, and no pitter-patter of little feet. You see, Elizabeth was barren. And like many infertile couples, she and Zacharias learned that a silent nursery can be one of the loudest rooms in the house.

But in the midst of what must have been unspeakable grief, Elizabeth patiently served the one true living God.

1. In that we see that Elizabeth was a waiting woman?
We don't know how old she is, or how old she was when she married Zacharias. So we don't know how long she had waited...and waited...and waited for a baby. But ...

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