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by Jim Henry

Scripture: JOHN 16:5
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Jim Henry, Pastor
First Baptist Church Of Orlando
3701 L. B. McLeod Road
Orlando, Florida 32805-5591


The Half-Known God - The Holy Spirit
John 16: 5-15
Print 286, CT 109292

I don't know about you, but I can remember the first time that I ever really tried to
understand something of the personal work of the Holy Spirit. Now mind you, I've been
raised in a Baptist church. I've been to a Baptist college, and I've been to a Baptist
seminary. Yet, though I was pastoring, the only thing I knew about the Holy Spirit was
that I knew He lived in me. I knew He was at work in the world, but twenty-five or thirty
years ago, nobody talked much about the Holy Spirit. I was baptized in the name of the
Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I believed He was a person, but that is about as far as it
I went to Miami for a convention, and a preacher friend of mine was there, a
good friend, and he said, "Have you been baptized with the Holy Spirit?" I said, "Well,
yes, as far as I know." He said, "Are you speaking in tongues?" I said, "No." He said,
"Well, listen, there's a friend of ours we went to school with and he's had this baptism of
the Holy Spirit. He's down here, and I want you to meet him; he's speaking in tongues."
I said, "Well, okay. I'm teachable, let's go." So we met with him-a fine, warm-hearted,
gracious Christian brother, and we enjoyed fellowshipping for awhile. Then he began
to talk of his experience. Somewhere along the way, he said, he began to seek and
search, and he began to pray, and got with some folks. The next thing he knew, he
was speaking in tongues. He asked if I had spoken in tongues, and I said, "No, I
haven't." He said, "Well, you need to have this gift. The Lord wants you to have it."
There were three or four of us, the best I recall, in this room. When he got
through, we all knelt down and he prayed. While he was praying, he began to speak in
languages or something I didn't understand. When he got ...

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