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by Jim Henry

Scripture: II TIMOTHY 3:14
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Rev. Jim Henry, Pastor
First Baptist Church Of Orlando
3701 L. B. McLeod Road
Orlando, Florida 32805-5591


"The Bible - In A Class By Itself"
II Timothy 3:14-17
Print 283, CT1 09012

I was a teenager facing surgery away from home and family, and only one or two
friends were nearby to help me. As nurses were in the room prepping me, I was
scared. I asked the orderly, "Would you please bring me a Bible?" He found one,
brought it to me and I said, "Lord, give me something. I'm scared and I don't want to be
scared. I'm your child but I need a word from you." I don't do this often, but I did this
time. I just opened the Bible and it fell on Romans 8:28. "All things work together for
good for them that love the Lord, to those who are called together according to His
purpose." I scanned just a little bit more and it said, "If God be for us who can be
against us?" That was all the peace I needed. God gave me the sweetest sense of His
presence, His power and His peace. I folded the Bible, had a word of prayer in my
heart and went with great peace to that surgery. That was effective.
I don't know about you, but let me ask you, 'When the tough times come where
do you go? What do you look to when you need a compass for your guide for life?
When you find what the bottom line is on your moral and ethical values and you are
trying to find it, where do you look?" Let me ask you this. "Where do you turn when you
are in an emotional upheaval and need strength or when there is a crisis in your life
and you need the moral stability that only God can give you-where do you find it?"
This morning I believe God has given us a word; it is called the Bible.
Open with me to 11 Timothy, chapter 3, verse 14.
14. "But as for you, continue in what you have learned
and have become convinced of, because you know
those from whom you learned it,
15. and how from infancy you have known the holy
Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for
sa ...

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