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by Joey Rodgers

Scripture: 1 Samuel 18:1-4
This content is part of a series.

Promises - The Revelation of Covenant (3 of 4)
Series: God's Unbreakable Promise
Joey Rodgers
1 Samuel 18:1-4

Video - Promises of God -

If you're just joining us, we're been in a study of God's covenant. So far we've looked at the meaning and progressive revealing of it. This AM I want us to consider the benefits/blessings/assets of covenant - for if God is for us... who can be against us!

As I've shared over the past few weeks, covenant is arguably the most essential, yet overlooked teaching in the Christian life. It's essential b/c it's at the core of every aspect of the Christian life - a crimson thread of grace woven thru the fabric of Scripture from the OT thru the NT to declare the relentless pursuit of God to be in relationship w/ His creation. Yet it's often overlooked b/c covenant is so vast/expansive - it can intimidate and scare people away from it.

RECAP: Covenant is a binding contract cut b/w (2) parties sealed thru the shedding/sharing of blood making it an oath of obligation, a bond of blood, and a walk into death.

There were (4) primary steps to cutting a covenant:
1 - Animals were cut in ½ w/ the pieces being laid on the ground in such a manner as to create a pathway.
2 - The participants would exchange robes, weapons, and belts as a promise of valuing each other above self.
3 - The participants would walk thru the sacrifices swearing an oath under God committing to death.
4 - The participants would then cut their wrist and clasp each other at the wrist to seal the oath w/ their own blood.

Last week we took time to look at the (7) primary covenants God established thru-out history beginning w/ the Edenic Covenant where God obligated Himself to Himself for the care of His creation. We concluded by touching on the fulfillment of covenant found in the New Covenant sealed in blood at the Cross. If you weren't here last Sunday, you can go on-line to listen as that message explains the nature of God's prog ...

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