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by Joey Rodgers

Scripture: Luke 22:1-24
This content is part of a series.

Promises - New Covenant Communion (4 of 4)
Series: God's Unbreakable Promise
Joey Rodgers
Luke 22:1-24

I read this week of a man who for 50 yrs took $25 out of every paycheck and put it under his mattress - amassing over $65k. Sadly, when the man became deathly ill - he made his wife solemnly promise him that when he passed, she would take the money from under the mattress and put it in his casket so that he could take it w/ him into the afterlife. She consented; but on the day he passed, she kept her promise - sort of... She took the money from under the mattress, deposited the $65k into her account, and then wrote a check out in his name and promptly put it in his casket to be buried w/ the man.

Promises... some would say promises are made to be broken, but I disagree. There's one promise that'll never be broken - the unbreakable covenant promise of God. Even if God wanted to break, b/c of who He is as a holy, righteous, and just God - He couldn't.

Over the past 3 weeks we've been discovering the importance of God's covenant promise and what it means to us. I've shared w/ you that I believe covenant is one of three critical teachings in the Christian life. (1) Learning how to HEAR and distinguish God's voice among the other voices in the world - My sheep hear my voice and follow me. (2) Learning how to rightly HANDLE God's Word by studying to show ourselves approved of God as workmen who aren't ashamed who handle God's Word. (3) Learning how to HONOR God in covenant - for it is in covenant we discover who we are/whose we are in Christ.

Covenant is essential b/c it's at the core of every aspect of the Christian life - a crimson thread of grace woven thru the fabric of Scripture from the OT thru the NT to declare God relentless pursuit of us for relationship.

Today - we're going to conclude our study of covenant by reflecting on Jesus' words and partaking in the cup of the New Covenant in communion. It's my hope that after studying covenant, we ...

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