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Jerry Watts
Revelation 21:5

In the next to the last chapter of the Bible we read these words (NKJV), ''Then He who sat on the throne said, ''Behold I make all things new.'' And He said to me, ''Write, for these words are true and faithful.'' (PRAY)

As I prayed about this message on this morning, the topic which came to my mind repeatedly was ''NEW.'' Generally, we love new. Admittedly, I don't like the process of buying a new car, but the smell and look of a brand-new car is very unique. (Give it a few months and it will smell and like 'me').

But most of the time, it doesn't matter, we love new. (I.E. car, house, clothes, jewelry, tools, tractors, toys, etc, if we are honest, we love it).

The very reason I am with you today is because of this concept of 'new.' Just across the road we have a little new life that is a gift from God to your pastor and His wife. But also, to this church family. The joy that a new baby brings serves as many reminders. I'll offer just a couple.

God started it all through a New Life. What life was this? As far as the world knew and could understand, Jesus began His existence in Bethlehem. We know better because we have the complete word of God and the luxury of looking back through time to the advent or arrival of Jesus. From a purely historical perspective, Jesus arrived on the scene in that little feeding trough. It was a new life, hope, help, and future for mankind. But most importantly, Jesus, this new life (the baby) was God's gift.

God delivered on His promises through a New Life. While this should not have surprised these people (because of the multitudes of written prophecies they had), it did. God first stated the promise as far back as Genesis 3, that He would send one to crush the head of the serpent and bring mankind back to Himself. This promise was restated hundreds of times throughout the Old Testament. Isaiah is the pinnacle of all; ''The Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin shall ...

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