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by Jim Perdue

Scripture: Luke 1:67-79
This content is part of a series.

Zechariah's Song: God Keeps His Word (2 of 4)
Series: Christmas Playlist
Jim Perdue
Luke 1:67-79


Last week, I began a Christmas series entitled, Christmas Playlist. There are four songs in the New Testament associated with the birth of Christ. There is Mary's Song in Luke 1:46-55, Zechariah's Song in Luke 1:67-69, The Angel's Song, in Luke 2:13-14, and Simeon's Song in Luke 2:28-35. So, last week we looked at Mary's Song and today, we come to Zechariah's Song where we learn that God Keeps His Word. READ TEXT

*Isaac Watts was a genius. At four years of age, he had learned Latin, at nine Greek, at 11 French, and at 13 years old Hebrew. His poetic re-working of the Psalms was magnificent. Unfortunately for poor Isaac, he was not a looker. His one chance at love came and went with a young lady named Elizabeth Singer, who actually fell in love with Watts sight-unseen through his published poems. Elizabeth was so taken with this man who could write so deeply and passionately that she threw caution to the wind and asked him to marry her in a letter. But when they finally met, she retracted her offer. She later wrote that Isaac Watts was ''only five feet tall, with a shallow face, hooked nose, prominent cheek bones, small eyes, and deathlike color.....I admired the jewel but not the casket that contained it.'' Isaac never married, but he spent his single life focused on the glory of God. In 1719, Watts published his poetic work based on Psalm 98 that would go on to become what many consider the greatest Christmas hymn of all time: Joy to the World.*

Christmas is a time filled with song. In this season, I don't want us to forget the four original Christmas songs found in the first and second chapters of Luke's gospel. They are packed with power and promise.

*The Gospel of Luke tells us about a priest named Zechariah. God had promised that Zechariah and Elizabeth would have a child in their old age but Zechariah simply didn't believe it. ...

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