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by Jim Henry

Scripture: II SAMUEL 6:1

Jim Henry, Pastor
First Baptist Church
3701 L.B. McLeod Road
Orlando, FL 32805
Reprinted from Radio Program, "WE BELIEVE"
Program #146, CT#109273

II Samuel 6

We're entering into a very trying time in David's life as we continue to
study the making of a man of God. Certainly David was a man of God, and this
period was perhaps the most challenging in all of his life. Living in the
wilderness is tough, but being the king is much tougher as we see God continuing
His work in this man's life.
If I were to ask you what you think is the greatest moment of David's life,
I'm sure I'd have many different answers. Some of you would say "Perhaps when
he was called and anointed to be the king. That would have to be one of his
highest moments." And it was.
Maybe you'd say, "It must have been the day when he took ol' Goliath down
and stood over him as God's champion. That must have been the greatest moment
of his life." And that was a good one, but maybe not the greatest.
Some of you would say, "Well, certainly it must have been after he'd killed
Goliath, and he came into the city. And after Saul got jealous of him and began
to try to kill him and David would not touch God's anointed. That must have
been the highlight of his life." But maybe not. I think there were two or
three special highlights, but I believe that what we'll see here has to be one
of the greatest moments in David's life. Here was a man who decided to do the
right thing the right way.
If you'll turn to the Book of Acts, chapter 13, you're going to see God's
description of David. Paul is preaching and reciting some history for the
listeners. In verse 21 he says:
"And then they asked for a king, and God gave
them Saul the son of Kish, a man of the tribe of
Benjamin, for forty years.
"And after He had removed him, He raised up
David to be their king, concerning whom He also
testified and said, 'I HAVE FOUND DAVID the son of
Jesse, A MAN AFTE ...

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