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by Robert Dawson

This content is part of a series.

A Sad Ending to a Promising Beginning (19)
Series: 1 Samuel
Robert Dawson
1 Samuel 28: 3-25; 31

What might-have-been is something we ponder when the outcome doesn't meet expectations. It runs through our minds when the ending doesn't measure up to the beginning. The very presence of that question signals that something went wrong somewhere between the start and the finish.

- We ask it when our favorite team's championship aspirations go unfulfilled. We look at the season that was and think what-might-have-been and try to determine what went awry.
- We contemplate what-might-have been in life after we have suffered some great loss, the loss of a loved one, the loss of an opportunity or the loss of health.
- We hypothesize over the possibilities that never became reality because we failed to act or made this choice rather than another. What if I'd chosen that career instead of this one? What if I'd made that move instead of staying put? What if I'd stayed put instead of making that move?

There are countless versions of what might-have-been that run through our minds. The most tragic are not those where we wonder if we'd made this decision or taken that opportunity or could have somehow avoided the unavoidable but the ones where we know that what went wrong between the start and the finish was us.
- It wasn't that we tried to make the best decision we could, and it just didn't work out, like investing in Polaroid rather than Apple 30-years ago.
- It was that we knew the right thing to do and didn't do it, that we had all the ingredients and recipe for success but refused to follow it.

That describes the life of Saul, Israel's first king. As we study the final chapters of 1 Samuel, which record for us Saul's final days and death, we find ourselves thinking about what might-have-been because what we read in chapter 28 and 31 is the sad ending of a promising beginning. Saul's was...

Think back to the first ...

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