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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: 1 Samuel 27, 1 Samuel 29, 1 Samuel 30
This content is part of a series.

Dodging Despair (18)
Series: 1 Samuel
Robert Dawson
1 Samuel 27, 29, 30

John Woodhouse in his study of 1 Samuel writes, ''The bible is deeply honest and utterly realistic. If you come to the Bible looking for sentimentality or romantic heroism, you will be disappointed. The Bible is about real people and a real God. Real people have weaknesses as well as strengths, failures as well as successes, defeats as well as triumphs. The real God, who is perfect in every way, deals with real people who don't always find His ways comfortable.''

That statement is certainly true of David. Like every character in the Bible, like every one of us, he had his ups and his downs. Unlike us, he had his ups and downs, his failures and successes written down, preserved and put on display and thousands of years later, here we are talking about them!

Over the last few weeks we have watched his rollercoaster ride of a life from a distance.
- We watched as a young shepherd boy, an overlooked member of his family, was chosen and anointed by the prophet Samuel to be the next king of Israel.
- We have seen him full of faith and courage as he faced Goliath alone in the valley of Elah and in the early battles against the Philistines as he commanded Israel's armies.
- We have also seen him run in fear and defect to a foreign city to avoid Saul's murderous attempts.
- We've seen his obedience and courage as he rescues a small village from Philistine attacks.
- We have watched as injured pride led to anger which almost drove him to murder except for the wisdom of a woman named Abigail.
- We have observed him act with great restraint and nobility as he refused to take Saul's life, the man who had been hunting him like an animal for years.

We've celebrated his triumphs, groaned in his failures and learned from both. As we move into chapter 27, David is at another low point. He is uncomfortable with God's ways and this time he is battling despair as he trudges through some of ...

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