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by Ernest Easley

Scripture: Luke 1

Preparing for Christmas
Ernest Easley
Luke 1

Now with Christmas fast approaching, I want to invite you to take your copy of God's Word and turn with me to Luke 1. During this time of year we always hear read Luke 2, the Christmas story; but today we're going to take a step backwards to Luke 1 where we find the Christmas staging.

There was a lot of preparing for that first Christmas day and that's what we find recorded in Doctor Luke's account in chapter 1 as we think today about: Preparing for Christmas.

When do you start preparing for Christmas? Over the years, Julie and I landed on the day after Thanksgiving. That's the day I begin the mammoth task of carrying all the Christmas decorations up from the basement. I bring them up and she sets them up.

Once up, then the work begins! Setting up and decorating the trees (yes, plural), placing the nativity sets (yes, plural) which came from Bethlehem in their special places, various Christmas knickknacks we've collected throughout the years in their special places, and that's just the first box!!

It takes a good two days to get it all set up! I find having a bottle of Tylenol close by helps! And that's just the decorations around the house! If family members are planning to invade your house for Christmas, that takes preparing for Christmas to another level!

Around our house preparing for Christmas includes preparing schedules of who's coming and when, preparing menus to feed them all and sleeping arrangements.

And then there is the challenge of selecting the perfect gift for everyone making sure you don't spend more money on one than you do the others! Trust me when I tell you this: they are counting!!

You may be like that newlywed husband who remembered on Christmas Eve that he hadn't bought his wife anything for Christmas. He tended to be a little tight fisted and couldn't decide what he would get her for their first Christmas together as husband an wife.

So he went into an upscale dep ...

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