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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Isaiah 42:1-9
This content is part of a series.

The Chosen Servant (2 of 3)
Series: Fulfillment
Josh Malone
Isaiah 42:1-9

Illus.- Every store you walk in this time of year will capitalize on Christmas. Don't misunderstand me I'm a fan of the decor. The big trees, the lights, the red and green... I like it all. I loved Christmas growing up. The presents, the big family days, the time out of school. My grandmother's sister's family, my great aunt, they had a ping pong table and every other year we'd have Christmas there. Those were the good years because you got to play ping pong that one day out of every 2 years. So growing up I got to play ping pong about 1 out of ever 730 days or so and it was magical... and its why I'm not very good.--- Some people are very nostalgic about Christmas, memories of childhood, family, surprises ... and you love it. Some people... hate it. You go into Starbucks or anywhere else, and you hear the music or see the stuff and its a very depressing time of year for you. You don't have happy memories but sad ones. It's important that we realize in the body of Christ this time of year that Christmas is not a happy time of season for everyone. --- And its not because they hate baby Jesus. --- It's because every year at this time in America Hallmark, and everyone else sells us on Christmas Nirvana (one preacher called it an over-realized eschatology).The perfect family, the perfect gift, the proposal, the baby, the fire place, the snow everyone laughing... every sappy movie comes on where the perfect couple falls in love, everyone reconciles, people turn their life around, scrooges and grinches repent, and an angel gets their wings ... the whole nine yards. --- It's like Heaven is coming to earth this year, but disconnected from Christ.

But for some they've seen the broken home, lost the loved and know that this world is broken and days on a calendar don't fix brokenness. The couple doesn't always work out, some people refuse to forgive, some people refuse to change.

People w ...

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