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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Isaiah 52:13, Isaiah 53:12
This content is part of a series.

The Lamb of God (3 of 3)
Series: Fulfillment
Josh Malone
Isaiah 52:13-53:12

Christmas is the season we celebrate the fact that Jesus Christ came to earth. He was born! This was not happenstance but the plan of all powerful God. In fact we have seen the last couple of weeks that Jesus fulfilled prophesy in His coming and there is more to be completed in His second coming. Jesus is the fulfillment of all the Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah, and we have been looking at the ones in Isaiah. So we we sing songs about it, we give gifts, we drink egg nog, and for Christians this holiday is all about the birth of Christ, the fact that Jesus came. But why did he come? Well Isaiah 53 tells us why He came. He came to save sinners and this passage tells us how He did that. We have to understand why he came or we won't appreciate His coming... we won't respond appropriately... it'll be another gift we don't understand...

Illus. Christmas gifts you don't understand- You ever had one of those. Where you think... does this person know me? Have we met? What is this? Why did they see the need for me to have one of these? Do they think this is something I'd wear? We've all had that disconnect where you just don't see the need or reason for the gift. You don't get it. --- Like if I gave you a gift this morning and you opened it and it just had a note that said ''Duck.'' You'd be like Huh? But if you don't know why you need to duck, you'll just think the pastor is weird.

His coming to earth to save us from our sin is the gift we needed.

Illus.- Coming from event in Ohio talking to Jewish man pointing him to Isaiah 53

This is one of the greatest passages of all the Bible. It's the pinnacle of Isaiah and all the OT prophesies concerning the Messiah. It is the clearest and most riveting picture of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ in all the Bible. This section of Scripture was written about 700 years before Jesus was born yet it foretell ...

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