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by Josh Malone

This content is part of a series.

Mary's Story - A Story of Interruption (2 of 4)
Series: The Stories within the Christmas Story?
Josh Malone
Luke 1:26-56

ILLUS.- Christmas calendar - When I was a kid I used to love the little Christmas chains. Little paper rings linked together you tear off one a day and then BOOM, it's Christmas. I'd count those things and just hate to think there were so many left at this time of year. - Now things are different. Two weeks doesn't seem like a very long time at all. In fact, there's a lot to get done in the next couple of weeks. We have church stuff, we have personal stuff. - And if you are a really talented shopper like myself you like to challenge yourself and do a lot of shopping right at the end.

With our busy calendars this time of year here is one thing we don't do well with... change of plans. - Interruptions to our plans. - We don't want a curve ball in Mid-Dec. Don't call your mom and tell her you ain't gonna make it on Dec. 23.

Truth is... in general... we just don't like interruptions / change of plans.

There are bad interruptions and good ones! - A friend calls and says, ''Hey can you help me paint today?'' That's a bad one. - ''Hey you want play golf? That's a good one.

Life is full of interruptions. It's full of left and right turns, 4 way stops, intersections... or you might say... curveballs, change ups... or hey a few trick plays. - Life moves fast, and as soon as you think you have it figured out... you don't.

If you are a Christian this morning you have probably learned that God will interrupt your life. You might call it a divine interruption. - You may have plans and God may change them, or he may allow circumstances in your life to change your plans. - The point is... being a Christian does not mean you don't experience these interruptions, to the contrary... it may only heighten them.

This Advent we are in a series called the Stories within the Story. We are looking at the real stories of real people whose stor ...

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