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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Luke 2:22-35
This content is part of a series.

Simeon's Story- A Story of Patience (4 of 4)
Series: The Stories within the Christmas Story
Josh Malone
Luke 2:22-35

ILLUS.- Waiting- Our family is big on going to the parks when we are able. We have a 5 yr. old and soon to be 3 yr. old, and also a new almost 2 month old... so for the older two the parks around here are jam. Our friends at Disney have invented this awesome little thing for people like me... the ''Fast Pass.'' - It keeps you from having to wait! I love walking past all the people in line for two hours and walking through and being on the ride in like 10 min. Suckers! - But I'm not a fan of lots of waiting. - Most of us aren't. It's not human nature.

When it came to sending the Savior into the world God's people had to do a lot of waiting. That's what faithful Jews were doing when the Messiah, Jesus, was born that first Christmas morning, they were faithfully waiting on Jesus.

Today, the wait is over! We don't have to wonder who the Messiah is. We have the God's Word, the cross, the resurrection to look back on and know... Christ has come and did what needed to be done so that men, women, boys, and girls could be saved.

Today, we wait... for his second coming. - He will return!

For those that don't know Christ... the wait is on. But you aren't waiting on Jesus, without Christ we tend to wait and wait to find that one thing that will bring us lasting fulfillment, peace, that will make life make sense, and give us purpose. Until then we will hop from one thing to another... from accomplishment, to pleasure, to security, to approval ... basically waiting on idols to bring the peace and hope that can only be found in the Messiah who has already come.

Today we look at Simeon. - Simeon is a picture of someone who faithfully waited on Jesus' first Advent. All we really know about Simeon is that he was faithfully waiting on the Lord to send the Messiah.

This morning we don't have to wait. Messiah has come and from Simeon's wait ...

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