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by Scott Maze

Scripture: Genesis 16:1-4, Genesis 16:6-16, Genesis 21:8-21
This content is part of a series.

And You Thought Your Family Had Problems (5 of 7)
Series: Abraham: The Story of God's Promise
Scott Maze
Genesis 16:1-16; 21:8-21

If you're a guest with us, welcome. We have had so many guests in recent days with our new building in north Fort Worth. We are grateful you're here with us! Please take a few minutes to complete the communication card so we can connect with by phone later this week.

Week of Prayer for Missions

Many of our teenagers are fasting a week ahead of us today - sixteen high school students and several more middle school students from both campuses today. We are honored by these young men and young teens who are fasting and leading the way for us, adults.

Abraham, Our Spiritual Father

We continue to examine the story of Abraham, the father of the faithful. Our story today happens about 4,000 years from our day before Israel exits Egypt in Exodus - does that help you place our story? And even though Abraham lived so long ago, he remains vitally important. The Bible says every real Christian is a child of Abraham: ''And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to promise'' (Galatians 3:29). The Bible doesn't say you are a child of Moses, a child of Isaiah, or even a child of Paul - but you are a child of Abraham. Abraham is the paragon of faith and he is our father in the faith.

Faith is the distinguishing mark of the Christian. Did you know that the Christians were called believers before they were ever called Christians? Believers - this is the distinguishing mark of a Christian, is he or she is a believer. So Abraham remains important for us because he is the father of all who believe (Romans 4:11). Now, our story shifts this morning from Abraham, the husband, to focus on Sarah, his wife. For the first time we hear from Sarah - who knew she could speak! Now, throughout our series, never take your eyes off of Abraham, the chosen one, for the story of Genesis builds to a pressure cooke ...

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