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by Joey Rodgers

Scripture: 1 Kings 17:7-24
This content is part of a series.

Practice Makes Prepared (3 of 7)
Series: Unwavering
Joey Rodgers
1 Kings 17:7-24

Have you heard the idiom - Practice makes perfect? It means the more you do something over/over, the more you repeat/rehearse it, usually the better you become at it. Whether it's acting, arithmetic, art, or athletics - or some other activity - repetition and persistence most often leads to proficiency.

This is where we pick up Elijah's story. If you're just joining us, we're in a series in the life of Elijah learning about the call/movement of God in our lives.

As a point of reference, after Solomon's death, Israel divided into two regions - Israel in the north and Judah in the south. In Israel, they experienced 19 consecutive wicked kings, each leading Israel further/further away from God. For some 200 yrs, Israel turned their backs on Jehovah to worship the false gods around them. The lowest moment came during the rule of Ahab. Ahab was the worst of the worse, who led the people to worship Baal - the Assyrian god of rain/fertility. It was during this low moment in Israel's history that God called Elijah the Tishbite into service.

Like us, Elijah was just a nobody from nowhere who God wanted to make a somebody somewhere for His glory. While most of the people had fallen away from God, Elijah was a common man w/ great conviction and courage who was willing to stand w/ God.

Once called, as we saw last week, God takes us into private to prepare us for His public will. More often than not, it goes something like this: God calls, but before He releases us into public for His name sake, He first takes us into private to prune/prepare us to depend on Him alone. Then, once we've learned to trust in Him, but before He takes us to our Mt. Carmel, God offers a series of quizzes to test our dependence on Him - and this is where we pick up the story today.

After moving Elijah into a season of solitude to season him for the multitudes, God granted him a chance to practice h ...

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