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by Tony Thomas

Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:16-17
This content is part of a series.

Preparing the Next Generation (7 of 9)
?Series: Living in the Last Days
Tony Thomas
2 Timothy 3:16-17

Last Sunday after service one of our young fathers talked with me about his teenage children. He shared some of the pressures he and his wife were facing and one of the things I told him was, ''The hardest thing we've ever done was to raise three teenage daughters.''

I'm not sure that made him feel any better! But it did remind me of something that happened years ago with one of our daughters when she was in high school. One Saturday night (it was always on Saturday night!) she decided she'd had enough of our rules so she ran away.

She ran all the way down the street to the home of one of our elders! About five minutes later that elder phoned to say that Angie had just walked in and announced she had run away from home. Then he added, ''We'll bring Angie to church with us in the morning.'' I replied, ''If she shows up alive, you're both dead!''

Have you ever been frustrated with your kids? We survived, but only because Christie and I had each other. Eunice raised Timothy in a theologically divided home. The temptations of the pagan world were alluring and his moral values were tested to their limits.

By nature, Timothy was a type-B personality. He was not the type to seek the spotlight. No one would ever accuse him of being an Alpha-Male. When he left home with Paul on that first missionary tour, Eunice must have worried herself sick.

What made her task especially difficult was the fact that Timothy's father was spiritually absent.

Acts 16:1 Paul came to Lystra, where a disciple named Timothy lived. His mother was Jewish and a believer, but his father was a Greek.

In spite of her adversities, in spite of all the fears that crossed her mind, Eunice was a godly mother. Timothy grew up in a Christian home, and when he became an adult he remained faithful to God. Much of the credit goes to Lois, his grandmother, too, because she played an ...

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