by Jim Henry
Scripture: GENESIS 13, GENESIS 13:1, GENESIS 13:2, GENESIS 13:3, GENESIS 13:4, GENESIS 13:5, GENESIS 13:6, GENESIS 13:7, GENESIS 13:8, GENESIS 13:9, GENESIS 13:10, GENESIS 13:11, GENESIS 13:12, GENESIS 13:13, GENESIS 13:14, GENESIS 13:15, GENESIS 13:16, GENESIS 13:17, GENESIS 13:18
It Makes A Difference Where You Pitch Your Tent
Jim Henry
Genesis 13
How many of you were Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts at one time?
That's a great organization. I had the privilege of being a
Boy Scout. One of the things that you learn as a Boy Scout
is to go out on campouts and learn how to pitch a tent. You
learn how to pitch tents in all kinds of locations. Once,
we went out on a camparee, and it was our first time to go
out. The scout leaders told us where to pitch our tents.
Either our leader didn't know better, or we didn't listen
to him well, because we pitched our tent on the side of a
It's all right to pitch your tent on the side of a hill if
you do two things: first, do not pitch your tent in an area
that's a main course for a creek to come down when it
rains. Secondly, be sure you ditch your tent well, so if
the water does come up, it will catch it in the trenches
and run it off. Well, amazingly, on this particular
camparee, we pitched our tent right where it ran down the
hill. We didn't ditch it very well, because we didn't think
it would rain. In fact, we did as little as we could get by
with and dug a very shallow little trench around it. We lay
down for a long winter night's sleep. You know what
happened, don't you? It rained and rained, and all of a
sudden my roommate and I woke up to find ourselves floating
in water. If we had pitched our tent in the right direction
and the right place, we wouldn't have gotten in trouble,
but we pitched our tents in the wrong place.
In this story in Genesis 13, you see two men who had
started out together, and there came a time when they made
a choice where to pitch their tent. One pitched his tent at
the right place; the other pitched his tent in the wrong
place. Let's look at what happened. First of all, notice, a
major problen arises in verses 5-7. Lot was moving about
with Abram. God had blessed them in Egypt. They had many
flocks and ...
Jim Henry
Genesis 13
How many of you were Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts at one time?
That's a great organization. I had the privilege of being a
Boy Scout. One of the things that you learn as a Boy Scout
is to go out on campouts and learn how to pitch a tent. You
learn how to pitch tents in all kinds of locations. Once,
we went out on a camparee, and it was our first time to go
out. The scout leaders told us where to pitch our tents.
Either our leader didn't know better, or we didn't listen
to him well, because we pitched our tent on the side of a
It's all right to pitch your tent on the side of a hill if
you do two things: first, do not pitch your tent in an area
that's a main course for a creek to come down when it
rains. Secondly, be sure you ditch your tent well, so if
the water does come up, it will catch it in the trenches
and run it off. Well, amazingly, on this particular
camparee, we pitched our tent right where it ran down the
hill. We didn't ditch it very well, because we didn't think
it would rain. In fact, we did as little as we could get by
with and dug a very shallow little trench around it. We lay
down for a long winter night's sleep. You know what
happened, don't you? It rained and rained, and all of a
sudden my roommate and I woke up to find ourselves floating
in water. If we had pitched our tent in the right direction
and the right place, we wouldn't have gotten in trouble,
but we pitched our tents in the wrong place.
In this story in Genesis 13, you see two men who had
started out together, and there came a time when they made
a choice where to pitch their tent. One pitched his tent at
the right place; the other pitched his tent in the wrong
place. Let's look at what happened. First of all, notice, a
major problen arises in verses 5-7. Lot was moving about
with Abram. God had blessed them in Egypt. They had many
flocks and ...
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