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by Jim Perdue

Scripture: Hosea 14:1-9
This content is part of a series.

God's Love Is Relentless (8 of 8)
Series: Hosea
Jim Perdue
Hosea 14:1-9


This morning we come to the conclusion of our study in the book of Hosea. Find Hosea 14 in your Bibles. I've called this series, Boundless: God's relentless love. Hosea's story teaches us that God's love knows no bounds. His love cannot be stopped. His love is relentless. READ TEXT

*Most of you have heard of YouTube. It's the website designed for users like you to share videos with the world. It was launched in 2005 and since then, it has grown exponentially. YouTube has grown to become one of the world's most ubiquitous apps - the natural home of the short-video format so prevalent in today's media landscape. Listen to some of these statistics.

2 billion monthly active YouTube users

73% of US adults use YouTube

YouTube was the most-downloaded app last year

One billion hours of YouTube content viewed per day

500 hours of content uploaded to YouTube every minute

I'm telling you all of this to make a point. And believe me, there is a point. There's a channel on YouTube called the Hydraulic Press channel. I think it's pretty interesting stuff and I'm not alone. The guy has over 2.3 million subscribers. The basic premise is simple. The guy takes all sort of stuff and puts it under his hydraulic press. He pulls the lever and then whatever he puts in the press is smashed, crushed, or destroyed. He has flattened tons of things - from bowling balls, to gummy bears. One of his most popular videos has him crushing a 1.2 carrot diamond valued at over $4,000. It seems there's something fascinating about seeing stuff get crushed. He shows it in real time and then plays it back in slow motion. The basic idea is this - whenever he puts something down on that hydraulic press and pulls the lever, whatever is on that press isn't going to make it. The hydraulic press always wins.*

I want you to know this morning, that God's love wins in the end. Whenever I ta ...

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