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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: 1 Samuel 23, 1 Samuel 24
This content is part of a series.

When Life Has You on the Run (16)
Series: 1 Samuel
Robert Dawson
1 Samuel 23-24

The neighborhood boys always played ball in our backyard. As we got a little older, it was too small to play with a regular baseball, so we took a wiffleball and wiffleball-bat and almost all of Dad's duct-tape and taped up the bat and ball so that the game played more like real baseball and still fit the parameters of our field.

Because our yard was not very wide you learned to hit the ball up the middle. If you didn't, you would either hit the house or hit it in one of our neighbors' backyards which was not a problem unless it went in on particular neighbor's yard. It wasn't that our neighbors were mean it's just that their dog was. (Ever seen the movie Sandlot? Yep). He was a big bulldog. As long as you were on your side of the fence, he was nice but if you got inside the fence...not so much. When the ball went in that yard the game was disrupted.

We devised system for retrieving the ball. All the boys would try to distract the dog at the fence while one boy would climb the fence and drop into the danger zone, sprint to the ball and back to safety before the dog noticed. We took turns entering the danger zone. I always hated it when my turn came. You've got to remember; I was a portly child. I've always been big. My strength was not speed but power so when I slipped into that yard and went for the ball, sprint is not exactly the word I'd use. Lumbering or speed walking would be a more accurate description.

Did I mention that in addition to being chunky and slow I was also flatfooted? That's significant because chunky, slow and flatfooted boys make a lot of noise when they run, and dogs hear extremely well. when my turn came and I climbed into the yard and ran to the ball which was in the middle of the yard, about the time I picked the ball up, the bulldog heard me and saw me, and a perverse joy came over his face, like a lion whose just spotted an injured baby water ...

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