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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: 1 Samuel 18, 1 Samuel 19, 1 Samuel 20
This content is part of a series.

A Wicked Brew (12)
Series: 1 Samuel
Robert Dawson
1 Samuel 18-20

The great teddy bear massacre occured back in 2006 at the ''Wookey Hall Caves,'' a teddy bear museum in western England, when a Doberman pinscher guard dog named Barney ''t went berserk.'' In an evening rampage, Barney shredded about 100 of the bears on display. But what got everyone's attention was that he dismembered Mabel-Elvis Presley's teddy bear. Mabel was owned by an English aristocrat named Benjamin Slade who lives close to the museum. He had reportedly paid something like $75,000 for the bear at a Memphis auction, and then loaned it to Wookey Hall Caves. The museum's general manager, Daniel Medley, reported: ''I had a very embarrassing phone call with the owner. He's not very happy at all.''

What would possess Barney the guard dog to become so angry? To be so violent? The dog's handler, Greg West, speculated that it might have been either a ''rogue scent'' that ''switched on Barney's deepest instincts, or it could have been jealousy,'' because, according to West, ''I was stroking Mabel and saying what a nice little bear she was.'' At any rate, West spent several minutes chasing Barney before he could wrestle him to the ground and end the canine's act of vengeance. Photos of the dog after he had been quieted show him sitting on his haunches and looking very contrite. Needless to say, dogs are no longer allowed at Wookey Hall Caves. [Alan Cowell, ''Doberman on Guard Duty Whacks 100 Teddy Bears,'' New York Times (8-3-06)]

Poor Mabel. Poor Barney. There are things in life that trigger all of us and threaten to send us over the edge into an emotional and spiritual tailspin of destruction. The problem is that when we go into our destructive tailspin, there is always, I repeat always, collateral damage.

Today, we are going to talk about a King, who like Barney the beleaguered guard dog, went berserk and destroyed everything that was good and valuable around him. That King is king S ...

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