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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: 1 Samuel 16
This content is part of a series.

Seeing What Others Cannot (10)
?Series: 1 Samuel
Robert Dawson
1 Samuel 16

Some of you share my affliction. Like me, you are defective. You are hindered by poor eyesight. You cannot see all you should without some corrective help but even with corrective help we still find our ability to see somewhat impaired. (That's why as you get older you have not only one pair of glasses but three or four).

- Some of us struggle to see things at a distance. What is down the road is always fuzzy. It's hard to distinguish what is ahead.

- Others of us struggle to see what is up close. We can't clearly see what is right in front of us.

What's true of our physical eyes is also true of our spiritual eyes. Our ability to see life and discern what is happening around us and what's coming down the road is impaired. We can't see all we'd like to see or need to see. Our spiritual eyesight is limited.

- We see the current events, whether in our personal lives or the world around us, and believe we understand what's taking place, but the truth is we see and understand far less than we think.

- Not only that but our inability to rightly discern the present hinders ability to see what's coming down the road in the future.

Some of you are scratching your head and asking, ''Why is he talking in riddles?'' I'm not. At least I'm not trying to.

- Let's say that what you didn't see, because of your limited eyesight, is that boy who broke your heart and shattered your dreams, if he'd stayed would have ruined your life because of his sinful and selfish choices. His addiction and greed would have brought more pain into your life than you could have ever imagined.

- What you couldn't see because of your defective eyesight was the wonderful, Godly man God would bring into your life to be your husband and be father to your children, something that will make life better than you imagined.

- The problem was because of our poor eyesight, our inability to see the pre ...

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