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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: 1 Samuel 13, 1 Samuel 14
This content is part of a series.

Finished Before Getting Started (8)
Series: 1 Samuel
Robert Dawson
1 Samuel 13-14

Back when I was in in High School, (Yes. I know it was a long time ago), my brother and his wife had just finished college and were moving to Atlanta to start their careers. When the weekend of their move arrived, it was just the two of them and a big yellow Ryder truck. That meant it was up to my brother, his 5ft nothing size nothing wife, and their drunk cat who had been drugged for the journey, moving all their stuff into an upstairs apartment.

On the spur of the moment, as they were getting ready to leave and without consulting my parents, I decided to ride up with them and help. We told our grandmother who was at the house to let my dad know we'd call and arrange a place half-way between Valdosta and Atlanta to meet so he could pick me up and bring me home later that weekend.

With this hastily but beautifully made plan, we hit the road only to find we wouldn't get very far on it. Somewhere around Tifton the Ryder truck explicitly informed us it was not going any further and stopped on the side of the road. This was before cellphones, shudder the thought. This was the day of here's a quarter go call someone who cares. So, we did.

- David called the dads, his and hers.

- He also called the Ryder company who we found out was not in a big hurry.

We sat and waited for hours on the side of I-75 in the S. Georgia heat with a drunk cat waiting for help to arrive. Ryder sent a tow truck that arrived about the time the two dads did, and it towed us into town where we had to offload everything from one truck and then reload it onto another truck putting us way behind schedule.

That's life for you. We start out with big dreams, good intentions and semi-solid plans and then something goes wrong. Life goes wonky and malfunctions. The people in our life malfunctions or we malfunction. When that happens, everything changes.

As we journey through 1 Samuel, we've been ...

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