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by Wyman Richardson

Scripture: Obadiah 17, Obadiah 18, Obadiah 19, Obadiah 20, Obadiah 21
This content is part of a series.

The God Who Saves (4 of 4)
Series: Obadiah: A Hard Word, A Hopeful Word
Wyman Richardson
Obadiah 17-21

Read Obadiah 17-21

Julian the Apostate was an Emperor of Rome who attempted to steer the Empire away from Christianity and back to Rome's pagan roots. He was considered the last pagan Emperor of Rome. It has been alleged, though many counter-allege that this is apocryphal, that Julian's last words were, ''Vicisti Galilaee,'' which translated means, ''You have conquered Galilean.'' It is seen as his ultimate recognition that Christ was unconquerable and that Christ ultimately had won.

Whether or not Julian said that, the sentiment is vitally important: Vicisti Galilaee! You have conquered, Galilean!

Christ indeed conquers. What God has originally intended God will have. His will will be fulfilled and He will not be frustrated. This is important for us to understand, especially when the evidence seems to point to the contrary. For instance, after Babylon sacked Jerusalem and the Edomites were gloating over the ruins, the Jews, and all the surrounding peoples, must have thought it was the end of the Hebrews as a people. How, after all, can life arise out of the ashes of destruction and despair? How can a decimated people ever hope to see hope dawn again?

The answer is found in Julian's alleged cry: Vicisti Galilaee! Christ will conquer and, with Him, the people of God will conquer!

The people of God will have victory.

Judah had fallen. The people of God were exiled or scattered. The house of Jacob had been crushed. Yet God speaks through Obadiah and says the following:

17 But in Mount Zion there shall be those who escape, and it shall be holy, and the house of Jacob shall possess their own possessions

The people of God will not be destroyed and they will ''possess their own possessions.'' Bruce C. Cresson writes that, ''It is possible to translate the final line of v. 17 either the house of Jacob shall possess their own possessions or ...

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