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by Wyman Richardson

Scripture: Luke 23:34
This content is part of a series.

The First Word from the Cross (9 of 19)
Series: Cross Examination
Wyman Richardson
Luke 23:34

Luke 23

34 ''Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.''

Let me introduce you to Christian de Cherge. He was a Trappist monk, the prior of the Tibhirine monastery in Algeria. In 1993, Christian de Cherge and his brothers refused to leave Algeria after the rise of Islamic radicals and the very real threat of death. And he did die. He and seven other French monks were kidnapped by Muslim radicals on March 26-27, 1996. On May 31st, their heads were founds. They had been brutally murdered.

After his death, it was discovered that Christian de Cherge had left a letter with his family that was to be opened if he was killed. The letter is quite amazing. In it, the monk tells his family not to listen to those who will use the occasion of his death to depict him as foolish or naïve for not leaving. He points out that ''such people should know that my death will satisfy my most burning curiosity.'' He then goes on to speak to his coming executioner, the man who would murder him. He writes that he wishes to thank the man. He then tells the man that, when he executes him, ''he will not know what he is doing'' and says that he hopes they might one day meet in heaven.

It is a powerful thing, these words of forgiveness offered to an executioner. It is powerful because it is so rare, and also because it is counterintuitive. It goes against what we instinctively imagine doing in such a situation. What we imagine doing, of course, is cursing or condemning those who would inflict an unjust death upon us. We imagine using our last words to seek to level the playing field, to mete out some kind of justice in our last moments. That is our natural inclination.

For instance, somebody posted a provocative question on a public forum online and asked, ''What would be your last words to someone you hate?'' The responses were telling.

''If the paranormal exists, ex ...

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