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by Wyman Richardson

Scripture: Acts 2:14-21
This content is part of a series.

The Time Between the Times (5 of 56)
Series: The Church in ACTSion
Wyman Richardson
Acts 2:14-21

Read Acts 2:14-21

The Spirit of God falls in holy wind and fire upon the gathered Church, and suddenly the waiting band of believers is transformed into a body of bold, courageous, proclaimers of divine truth. They are set on fire with the Spirit of the living God. As a result, they speak. The crowd responds with amazement, astonishment, confusion, and, in some cases, mockery, accusing the believers of being drunk.

Into this electric environment, onto this amazing stage, as the disciples preach Christ and the growing crowd murmurs amongst itself about what these things might mean, Peter stands up. Peter stands and delivers the first official sermon in the life of the Church. As we prepare our hearts for the Lord's Supper this morning, we are honored to hear this word. What it reveals about Christ and what He was and is doing through the life of His Church is powerful and worthy of our attention.

The Church age marks the beginning of the last days, a time between the times.

In the midst of this agitated crowd, Peter, blessed Peter, stands and demands the audience's attention.

14a But Peter, standing with the eleven, lifted up his voice and addressed them

John Chrysostom marveled at Peter's boldness here and reminded his 4th century congregation that it was not long before this moment that Peter was afraid to speak honestly to a little girl while Jesus was being tried.

He, who could not endure the questioning of a poor girl, now discourses with such great confidence in the middle of people all breathing murder upon him. This in itself became an indisputable proof of the resurrection. He spoke [among] people who could deride and make a joke of such sort things!...For wherever the Holy Spirit is present, people of clay are changed into people of gold.

Ah, how beautiful! ''Wherever the Holy Spirit is present, people of clay are changed into ...

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