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by Wyman Richardson

Scripture: Acts 2:22-36
This content is part of a series.

The Resurrection Proclaimed (6 of 56)
Series: The Church in ACTSion
Wyman Richardson
Acts 2:22-36

Read Acts 2:22-36

Christopher Buckley is the son of the late William F. Buckley, the man largely credited with being the father of the modern conservative movement in America. In his book about the deaths of his parents, Christopher writes about being raised as a Christian but eventually losing his faith. When he had lost his faith, he struggled with whether or not he should tell his father that he was no longer a believer. His words are sad and telling:

This was not the moment to break what remained of his heart by telling him that although I greatly admired the teachings of Jesus, I had long ago stopped believing that he had risen from the dead; it's an honest enough doubt, really, but one that rather undercuts the supernatural aspect of Christianity.

That is an understatement if ever there was one: denying the resurrection ''rather undercuts the supernatural aspect of Christianity.'' In fact, denying the resurrection rather undercuts Christianity. When one considers how often and how passionately and how frequently the other believers drew the attention of all who would listen to the fact that Christ had risen from the dead, it is safe to say that the apostles would have considered the idea of a resurrection-less Christianity to be an absurdity. This is nowhere more evident than in Peter's justly famed Pentecost sermon, a careful consideration of which leads us to certain unavoidable conclusions about what the early Church was primarily concerned with proclaiming.

The resurrection of Christ is the central message of the Christian Church and the cornerstone content of our witness in the world.

It is not an overstatement to say that the resurrection of Christ was the central message of the early Church and the cornerstone content of their witness in the world. Having declared to the gathered crowd that the coming of the Spirit signaled the begin ...

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