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by Wyman Richardson

Scripture: Acts 9:1-19
This content is part of a series.

Meeting Jesus on the Road (20 of 56)
Series: The Church in ACTSion
Wyman Richardson
Acts 9:1-19

Read Acts 8:26-40

I was speaking with a friend recently who shared with me something that has troubled my soul since I heard it. He was telling me of a recent conversation he had with a man on his wife's side of the family. This man was quite irate and frustrated. The cause: his granddaughter had announced that she felt called to go to the mission field. This fact had upset her grandfather because, as he put it, a person of her gifts and skills should commit to a business and set about making a living for herself. He shared with my friend that he viewed this desire to go to the mission field as irresponsible and foolish. In fact, he said that it was wasteful. Most troubling of all is the fact that the grandfather saying this calls himself a Christian and has long held leadership positions in his local church.

As a Christian, I was and am deeply troubled by this. Frankly, I hope that you are as well. I suppose I am troubled because of the fact that God the Father has such a missionary heart and it seems incomprehensible that His children would not have the same. How, for instance, can one read the book of Acts and dare say that missions efforts are wasteful and irresponsible? To the lost person they may seem such, but how can they appear that way to one who says he is saved?

The story of Acts is the story of a missionary God sending a missionary Church to reach the nations with good news. We have seen over these last eight chapters of Acts an expansion of the gospel to the world. It has now moved from Jerusalem to Samaria. This morning we will see that God begins to advance the gospel past Samaria to the far reaches of civilization. This is evident in our text this morning, in the amazing and intriguing story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch.

We have seen already Philip's missionary heart in his outreach efforts in Samaria. Indeed, God used Philip t ...

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