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by Wyman Richardson

Scripture: Acts 9:1-19
This content is part of a series.

Another Meeting with Jesus on the Road (21 of 56)
Series: The Church in ACTSion
Wyman Richardson
Acts 9:1-19

Read Acts 9:1-19

In a fascinating February 2014 article in Christianity Today entitled, ''Road to Damascus Wasn't Enough: Apostle Paul Questions Nearly Get Christian Deported,'' Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra reported that Chang Qiang Zhu, a Chinese Christian seeking asylum in the United States, was initially refused entry by an immigration judge after Zhu could not answer specific questions about Christianity. Apparently judges have begun asking these specific questions of those seeking asylum for stated reasons of religious persecution in their homeland after discovering that some who want entry into the United States lie about being religious or have been coached on how to sound Christian though they are not. These specific questions are therefore intended to reveal whether or not the asylum seeker is indeed actually a Christian in need of help.

The article was discussing the legalities of these approaches by the court and reveals that this tactic is being criticized for numerous reasons. Regardless, the nature of the specific questions asked of Chang Qiang Zhu struck me as fascinating.

A Chinese Christian's hopes for asylum in America now have new life, after an appellate court overturned a denial from a judge who found that the applicant's answers to questions about Christianity were ''hesitant'' and ''evasive.''

The case is the latest example of how immigration boards often deny refugees claiming persecution for not knowing enough about their religion-and how courts continue to reverse such rulings.

Chang Qiang Zhu's behavior began to suffer only after the immigration judge asked him specific questions, such as what form of persecution the Apostle Paul used against Christians and what year Paul converted to Christianity, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals recently ruled. [Paul is currently the featured subject of the world's largest Bibl ...

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